The Bible is made up of 66 books spanning thousands of years of history, written in different languages, in different contexts, by different authors telling different stories of God’s interaction with this world.  It’s important sometimes to step back and take a look at the Big Story, the overarching story of the Bible that binds all the books, all the characters, all the stories of Scripture together.  The Big Story is the story of the Bible, it’s the story of the world, from Genesis to Revelation— beginning to end.  

That’s what we’re going to be exploring in a new Sunday teaching series this year beginning September 9th— The Big Story in four parts— Creation, Fall, Redemption, Glorification.  It’ll change the way you read your Bible.  It’ll change the way you look at history.  It’ll change the way you look at your own life and your own story.  You don’t want to miss this one.